When Does She Rebel? How Gender Affects Deviating Legislative Behaviour

Following the latest Bundestag elections, 255 women MPs (34,7 percent) have taken up their work in the German Parliament last week. While research demonstrates that women behave differently than men in early phases of the policy making process, we know little about whether sex also affects legislative behavior at the latest stage of law-making, namely in roll call votes (RCV). To refine our insights in the ways gender influences political processes, our latest publication in Government and Opposition asks: does gender affect vote defection from party lines, and if so, under what circumstances?… Read More When Does She Rebel? How Gender Affects Deviating Legislative Behaviour

Can women save the environment? How female Members of the European Parliament make a difference on environmental legislation

“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.” Greta Thunberg (2019) puts it blatantly clear: our style of living is threatening our very existence; we are destroying the ground we live on – and if we do not radically change our conveniently arranged lives now, we won’t have the chance to turn the tide anymore. Living in a representative democracy, it is, however, not only us, the citizens, who have to act. Far-reaching decisions about environmental politics are taken by parliamentarians. Hence, we would probably want to know what delegates think about environmental issues and whether they act in accordance with these preferences.… Read More Can women save the environment? How female Members of the European Parliament make a difference on environmental legislation